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Invasive Weed Control

  • Herbicide application

  • Invasive brush removal


The world is going to the weeds. Countless acres of our beautiful Wisconsin have been overrun by invasive plants such as Buckthorn, Honeysuckle, Garlic Mustard, Reed Canary Grass, Queen Anne’s Lace, and countless others. These weeds have compromised our ecology and put extreme pressure on our native plants which are not adapted to the aggressive habits of invasive species. When native plants suffer so does our native wildlife as dense, uniform clumps of invasive weeds do not support the same biodiversity as our natural wetlands, woods, and prairies. But we can fight back!

Prairie Wind has extensive experience managing numerous invasive species in all sorts of habitat types and project sizes. Herbicide application, and selective weed removal by mechanical means, coupled with native planting and seeding can restore degraded areas into desirable habitat for wildlife. Restoration of ecologically degraded areas is a dedicated process, but with determined management any project, large or small, can become a success story.

Prairie Wind has licensed and insured chemical applicators who possess a strong knowledge in recognizing both invasive and native plants. We will combat your invasive species issues with experience and understanding.

©2018 Prairie Wind Restoration LLC

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